Monday, December 5, 2011

サンクスギビング 休み!

サンクスギビング 休みは楽しかったです。ルームメイトのうちにいきました。私のへやは とても大きかった。毎日アニメをみました。たのしかったです。毎ばん七時ごろ食べてくじごろえいがおみました。スターダストがいちばんすきでした。スターダストはおもしろくてぶくみになです。でも、おかしいです。

ここは スターダストのよこくへん。

Cycle Complete!

So, I have finished another cycle. It feels good to be progressing so quickly, but the pace of class is picking up quickly, so I need to study more! After spending countless hours of my break "studying" Japanese(watching Naruto Shippuden), I realized that I need to internalize all of the different forms of words(plain, dictionary,-te, and all of the negatives for these). This is going to be a busy few weeks, as I consider how I am going to keep up my language skills over break. For the next cycle, I will practice speaking more by going to office hours to get used to using the new things I'm learning. I will also do more of the shadowing exercises so I can speak more naturally.

Monday, November 7, 2011

PE reflection& goal statement

Cycle 1- complete! I think I did well these past couple of months. I have learned a lot of new Japanese and have been able to do plenty of review. I want to work on my speed when having a conversation. I did okay this time, but I also want to improve my pronunciation while trying to keep a natural speed when talking. I think watching anime and having conversations with my classmates and professors will help this. Also,  I want to do more of the shadowing exercises so I can sound more like a native speaker. I will also try to go to office hours often so I can practice my Japanese with my professors.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A long time ago

おはようございます。ええと、にほんごのがっこうにいきました。まいしゅどようびにカリフォルニアのロングビチににほんごをべんきょうしました。まいとしスピーチコンテストがありました。こうこうのろぼとの クラブ についてかきました。いちばんでした。こばやし先生はほこらしでした。

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

いちばん あにめ!!!

あにめは だいすきです。私のいちばんあには なるとです。でも, ぎんたま 
ときょうからまおうと おうらん ハイスクルホストクラブも すきです。

これは きょうからまおうの うたです。
lyrics are in hiragana...カラオケ!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

My goals

My goals involve reading and vocabulary. I want to have a much broader vocabulary and understand more kanji. I only remember bits and pieces from my class back in Long Beach,CA. I remember the most difficult part of reading kanji is knowing when to use the kun or on pronunciation. I would also like to find some childrens books so that I can practice reading more naturally. I'm looking forward to going beyond what I did back at home, and I feel more confident now that I have so many people around me to practice Nihongo with.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

じこじゅうかい (self introduction)

プリンセトン大学野に 出席。
一年生です。せんこうは 工学です。
Hello. My name is Jessica. Nice to meet you!
I attend Princeton University.
I'm a freshman. My major is engineering.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The First Day(of writing!)

Sleepy. Hungry. Excited. Interested. Sore. Hungry. Sore. Tired. Sleepy. It's how I feel まいにち(mai nichi= everyday) I have classes, from 8am to 11:50am. I know, that's a lot to go though in such a short length of time, but its the truth. There is one good thing about my いちねんせい(ichi nen sei=freshman) engineering courses; I have one free class this semester, and I've devoted it to continuing my studies in にほんご(nihongo=Japanese language).

So far it's been great to review everything from my days in Long Beach(ありがとう ございます  たかこせんせい[arigatou gozaimasu Takako-teacher= thank you Takako-sensei]). So, in this blog, I will be chronicling my journey to become as fluent as possible in the short time I'll be in this course, while sprinkling a few words in Japanese here and there.Also, because I miss my friends back at home, I'll talk about how my new life on the east coast is going, and all the new things I'm learning in this new (and somewhat foreign) land called New Jersey.

-Jess :)