Friday, February 24, 2012




アーロンのみぎはジュリアンです。ジュリアンはアーロンの妹さんです。五さいです。ようちえんじ(kindergarten) です。きえくて(spirited/energetic) かわいいです。えを書くのが上手ですよ。

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Katakana Analysis Draft

The most interesting katakana word I saw was キレイ. It was on the back of Pantene Pro-V hair product. In this manner, katakana is used for emphasis. When I first looked at the back of the bottle, this is one of the first words I noticed, which means the fact about the product being emphasized was done so successfully. If キレイhad been written in hiragana or kanji, I would have just read over it.

The other example of katakana I saw was also used for emphasis, the word ヒップ on a package of stockings. I looked on the package, and noticed that the word for height was written in kanji, but the word for hip was written in katakana. I'm not sure why there was emphasis placed on the word "hip." I think people choose to write certain words in katakana because they want  you to be especially aware of them. It's clear why the beauty product company Pantene wants you to pay attention to the fact that the product will make your hair look pretty, but I'm still not clear on why "hip" is emphasized. Could this mean that hip size is more important...?

Monday, February 13, 2012


ピエフエイ(PFA)と デロンダックス にスキーをしに行きました。百五十人ぐらいがいました。チューブ(tubing) をして、たくさんゲームをして。たくさん新しい友だちを作った。私たちはうたって、おいしい食べものをたべました。そして、私はさいしゅうてきに本を読みおえました。うれしかったです。
